Thousands of people have come together to aid in Nepal’s earthquake recovery efforts. Help us!

Short Summary

We are a non profit organization that believes in what we do. Our goal is to provide the right healthcare tools and expertise for countries or areas in need.

Modern Healthcare tools don’t need to be expensive to be efficient. We have selected carefully the right tools for our mission.

  • A physician will travel to Kathmandu with five ultrasound devices and will provide assistance.  Most caregivers in this country have never used let alone seen an ultrasound device. By providing ultrasound devices to the Kathmandu hospitals after the earthquake,  doctors will be able to practice thousands of blocks and relieve pain.
  • During the first year 5,000 cases will be performed with this donation, and some 25,000 over 5 years.

What We Need & What You Get

  • We need $59,000. (This is the usual price for a single ultrasound device!) A medical doctor will travel to Kathmandu with five of these and deliver them along with training.


Provide five portable ultrasound systems for the hospitals in Kathmandu along with an MD


Your funds will go towards the delivery of five quality ultrasound systems for the country of Nepal (Kathmandu).

  • A physician will travel to Kathmandu with five ultrasound devices and will provide assistance.  Most caregivers in this country have never used let alone seen an ultrasound device. By providing ultrasound devices to the Kathmandu hospitals after the earthquake,  doctors will be able to practice thousands of blocks and relieve pain.

Bir Hospital

Grande Hospital

KTM Medical College

Birendra Hospital

Om Hospital


In return we will send you a copy of the beautiful 12×12 photographic book   The Snow Leopard – A Pictorial Companion. This 120 page book contains beautiful photographs of the 250 mile trek George Schaller and Peter Matthiessen did in the early seventies in search of blue sheep and the snow leopard.



Our campaign goal: $59,000   btn_donateCC_LG


We suggest donations in the following way:

$10 – Moral support donation, in exchange for good karma. Thanks!

$30 – Digital copy of the book.

$60 – Copy of the book.

$100 – Autographed copy of the book.

$250 – Five signed copies of the book to share with your friends.

$500 – Five signed copies of the book, plus you will be thanked in the book.

$1000 – 20 copies of the book.

$5,000 – 50 copies of the book, plus the author will speak at your event on an agreed upon date and time.

This amount will allows us to offer five ultrasound devices along with training in Nepal.

The Snow Leopard

The Himalayas have always seduced mountain climbers, philosophers, scientists, politicians, and the writer Peter Mattthiessen who went there not only to follow George Schaller and his quest for the snow leopard, but also in the more difficult journey of finding himself.

In 2014, the author of our pictorial book followed their steps in an effort to document what is often hard to visualize while one reads “The Snow Leopard”.

He endured cold and the difficulties of high altitude, but was able to beautifully document the land of Dolpo, this rarely visited part of the world.

The result is magical and it will no doubt inspire those who have read the book and have yearned to travel to this distant land.

Nepal and Tibet Rural Maternity Care

In Nepal, 64% of pregnant women still deliver their babies at home without assistance of a professional. The poorest families have no access to prenatal care or any professional help through the delivery. Every four hours, a woman dies due to complications of pregnancy or childbirth. When a new mother does survive, the odds are that her baby will not. Every hour, two Nepali newborns take their final breath, most of them less than a day old. Despite the enormous national and global efforts to prioritize neonatal survival, the annual global rate of decline for neonatal mortality has remained stagnant. The majority of neonatal death occurs within poor, rural, underserved areas and may not be accurately reflected by the mortality rates reported at the national level. For example, in 2011, the national neonatal mortality rate in Nepal was reported to be 27/1,000 live births, whereas at that same time in Dolpa, a remote district in which we work, the neonatal mortality rate was more than three times that amount at 98/1,000 live births.

While Nepal’s maternal mortality ratio has improved substantially in the last few decades, maternal health indicators are still very poor in the remote hilly and mountain areas. In these remote regions, the availability and quality of maternal health services continue to create a challenge to combating maternal and newborn mortality.

The Nepali health ministry recognizes that expanded coverage of effective outreach, community-based care programs and trained providers could help reduce the number of maternal and infant deaths, but so far, impact in the most remote areas has been limited.

Our program in Nepal, will bring affordable mobile healthcare and  safe motherhood in  the area. Soon the 250,000 people living in rural communities scattered along the foothills of the Himalayas will have the resources and training to help women survive childbirth and to give their babies a chance to survive.